How to gain visibility and grow your online presence as a yoga teacher

March 5, 2024

Grow Your Community

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


In the world of online yoga teaching, success isn’t solely determined by the number of followers you have on social media, instead, let’s explore the essential steps you need to take to build visibility and grow your online presence as a yoga teacher.

Step 1: Craft a Clear and Authentic Personal Brand
As a yoga teacher, your personal brand is your story, your personality, and the driving force behind your business. Define your unique traits, whether it’s your yoga practice with your pet, specific colors you wear, or your journey to becoming a yoga teacher. A personal brand goes beyond having an Instagram account or a logo – it’s about letting your authentic self shine.

Step 2: Make Yourself Known
Being unique and standing out is crucial for new yoga teachers. Don’t hesitate to ask for help to identify your niche – sometimes, an external perspective is priceless. Clearly define what makes you stand out, whether you specialize in prenatal yoga, supporting women with irregular menstrual cycles, aiding men in public speaking, or addressing motor coordination challenges.

Step 3: Strategies for Visibility Growth
-> In-Person Workshops: Host workshops or events related to your specialty. While it may seem counterintuitive for online growth, these events quickly build a local community and establish you as an expert.
-> Collaborations: Partner with brands or individuals serving the same audience. Contribute to blogs, podcasts, or live sessions to expand your reach within your niche.
-> SEO and Blogging: Learn and implement SEO on your website to increase search engine visibility. And don’t forget to regularly update a blog with relevant content related to your expertise.

Step 4: Social Media Mastery
To leverage social media effectively:
-> Understand the Algorithm: Create content that stops the scroll and engages your audience. Aim for likes, saves, comments, shares, or profile visits.
-> Training: Join a free workshop series such as “The Leap,” which covers essential aspects like creating content that converts, crafting irresistible offers, launching effectively, and building evergreen funnels.

To thrive as an online yoga teacher, start by building a clear personal brand, making yourself known in your niche, and then implementing growth strategies. Join “The Leap” workshop series to gain in-depth insights into content creation, offer creation, launching, and building passive income. Elevate your online presence and take a leap toward a successful yoga teaching career. Secure your spot at and get started today.

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How To Create The Perfect Plan To Launch Your Online Yoga Course?

When is the right time to launch a new yoga offer or service online?

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


As a business and marketing strategist for yoga teachers, I help you take your in-person yoga career to the next level by building out a profitable online yoga business.

How can you trust I’ll be able to help you build a thriving business teaching yoga beyond solely in-person classes? Because I’ve done it myself! 

With dozens of online courses, hundreds of successful students, and transformational online yoga masterminds reaching students all over the world, I’m an example of all the possibilities that are in reach for yoga teachers just like you.

My mission is to help you elevate your yoga career on every level. Because it’s not just about making a living as a yoga teacher—it’s about the long-term, life-changing results for you AND your students.

Ready to create the life of freedom and flow you dream of? 
This is only just the beginning…

Yoga Business Coach, Marketing Strategist & Yoga Teacher Trainer

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