Hey, I’m Gwen!

Business Coach for yoga teachers who want to turn their passion into profit

Wherever you find yourself, I believe you have a purpose. And I know you have passion.

You love yoga. And, like most of us yogis, I’m guessing you too have reaped numerous life-changing benefits from this practice.

And if you’re still here, I’m also guessing that your passion paired with your empathetic heart makes it so you can’t help but feel the urge to share those benefits with others.

We are here to serve our clients and students and facilitate the incredible transformation yoga has to offer.

That’s why we unite! 

Now, it’s time to take your practice to the next level.

Impact lives across the globe while equally supporting yourself with a sustainable income by teaching yoga online.

If I did it…so can YOU.

It’s your Dharma to share the endless possibilities of yoga with the world around you…

Ever since that first downward dog, I knew yoga would be in my life forever. Now, 18 years later, I’m not only continuing to dive deeper into my own practice and teach yoga to others (both in-person and online), but I also empower other yoga teachers around the globe to do the same.

As Yoga Business Coach, I help you build a community and create, launch, and sell aligned offers online such as courses, memberships, workshops, and more! So you can live life on your own terms and do what you love without having to worry about how you’ll pay next month’s bills.

Get to Know Gwen!

Yoga Business Coach, Online and In-Person Yoga Teacher Trainer & Your Greatest Supporter

A little bit more about me

I used to be so broke, I couldn’t afford medical insurance. Can you relate?

If you told me 10 years ago that I would be working as a yoga business coach teaching strategy and marketing to other yogis…

…While also leading both live and recorded classes reaching hundreds of students around the world…

…And that I would have created dozens of online courses, developed multiple online business programs, and hosted countless masterminds helping other yoga teachers reach $10k months…

I never would have believed you.

But, it hasn’t always been this way.

Sure, I have 8 years of experience as a yoga teacher, but I was NOT always making the comfortable and reliable income I am now.

In fact, there was one point when I couldn’t even afford my monthly rent payment.

Before the $20k months and sold-out launches…

I spent my 20s studying and traveling the world as one of the youngest Marine Archaeologists in France. It was incredible work, but it was also incredibly draining. And, eventually, I became burnt out. 

The idea of working this much every day until retirement just felt scary. So, I decided to take a break and told my PhD director I’d return in 3 months to finish my PhD. 

Spoiler alert: I didn’t!

Instead, I sold everything I owned, packed a small bag, and left France behind. 

Over the next 2 years, I traveled to Africa, Asia, and Australia working as a dive instructor and yoga instructor. I was loving it, but once again, I was working myself toward burn out.

Teaching up to 5 classes a day, it eventually got to the point where I was so busy and stressed that I couldn’t even maintain my own practice anymore. 

I knew things needed to change…

So in 2016, to bring in some extra cash, I created my first workshop for yoga teachers and hosted my first yoga retreat.

And it worked! Students were coming from all over the world to practice with me, and I was making more money than I ever had while traveling. 

Eventually, this led me to create yoga teacher training courses. And, in 2020, despite a LOT of my own resistance to show up and be visible online, I started posting some of my training videos on Youtube and Instagram. 

My online community began to grow larger and larger, and soon, I was turning my trainings into full digital courses. This is when my income skyrocketed

I went from making $500/month from teaching in-person classes to making $20k/month just from the online courses alone!

Seeing the difference I was able to make in my own life by taking my classes and programs online, I felt called to help others do the same. 

Now, I’m a yoga business coach and strategist helping teachers move their yoga careers online so they can ditch financial stress, travel as they wish, and spend more time with their family, just like I do.

To support you in doing more with your passion than just making a living off yoga, but instead, growing a sustainable and wildly profitable yoga career online so you can impact more lives while working less.

My mission as your yoga business coach is

Get to know gwen

Over 3000 yoga teachers supported since 2016

As a yoga teacher trainer & Mentor

8 years

12 online courses for yogis 

Creator of

Of dedicated yoga practice

10+ years

Fun Facts

  • Location: Bali (on the tiny tropical island of Nusa Lembongan)

  • Human design type: Manifestor

  • Favorite thing about teaching yoga: Showing my students that they are more capable than they think

  • Loves: Traveling (I’ve been to 15 countries!), freediving, and family time with my husband and 4-year-old son, Leo.

  • Hates: Exercise (you will never see me workout but I love team sports and climbing!)

— Pauline B.

“I created my first online program—a big one. It was a lot of work, but I was so, so motivated and inspired. Gwen gave me all the tools to launch it and to succeed. 

You can definitely trust Gwen. It’s a game changer and will never be the same as before.”

Launch & sell your online course or program consistently (hello, reliable income!) 

Grow a like-minded community of inspired students

Inspire & impact lives around the globe

What can you expect from working with me as your yoga business coach?

Want results like these?

“I would recommend Gwen to all my fellow yoga teachers that don’t just want to teach 60-minute classes twice per day or more, and to those who want to give to their clients more of what yoga can offer.

Gwen gave me the right path to follow in order to succeed in my online business.” 

- Ionna Sarafi
Yoga & Self Care Instructor

Accelerate your online yoga career with holistic personalized support.

1:1 Grow & Flow Coaching

Create, launch & sell your online yoga course or program in less than 6 months. 

The Elevate Program

How it Works

Group Coaching Program

1:1 Yoga Business Coaching

Yoga Business Coaching Solutions

Yes, please!

The first step to launch is to grow your community with ideal students! Grab this free PDF Guide with 30 free resources ideas you can create to attract the perfect students in your online community and grow your email list before announcing your program!

30 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas Your Audience Will Actually Want To Sign Up For

free guide

easy to use free guide