How to Market Multiple Offers at the Same Time Without Confusing Your Community

January 2, 2024

Yoga Marketing

How To Create The Perfect Plan To Launch Your Online Yoga Course?

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


Are you a dedicated yoga teacher who’s taken the leap into the digital world, offering online courses but hungry for more growth? Perhaps you’re juggling different services—memberships, retreats, and various courses—but finding it challenging to market them all without overwhelming or confusing your community effectively. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

Mastering the art of marketing multiple yoga offers without overwhelming your audience is an intricate dance. But by honing your messaging, streamlining your offerings, and strategically aligning your sales approach, you can elevate your online yoga business to new heights while bringing more balance into your life.

Who Is This For?

This strategy is tailored for yoga teachers who’ve already transitioned online, created at least one course and are seeking to expand their student base and revenue. If you’re yearning for more time to nurture your practice and seeking a smoother path to success in your online yoga business, this is for you.

Your Challenge

The struggle is real—offering multiple services simultaneously while ensuring each gets its due attention can be difficult. Many find themselves stuck in a cycle of promoting one offering at a time, leading to inconsistent income streams. The ultimate challenge lies in finding a balanced approach to market all offerings effectively.

Strategy: Selling Your Message, Not Just Your Offer

Review Your Messaging

Remember, people resonate with your message more than the specific offers. Ensure your messaging is clear and aligned across all your offerings.

Design a Clear Client Journey

Craft a roadmap for your clients, guiding them through the various services you provide. Make it crystal clear what each offering entails and who it’s designed for.

Diversify Your Selling Approaches

Utilize powerful tools like CRM systems, automated email marketing, and social media schedulers to reach your audience effectively.

Integrate Offers

Blend your offers strategically. Pair courses with memberships, retreats with online sessions—creating enticing packages that cater to different needs.

Funnel Clarity

Establish a robust entry point into your ecosystem, starting with your social media presence and leading into a well-structured email sales system.

Leverage Pre-Recorded Content

You don’t always need new offers to boost income. Capitalize on pre-recorded content that allows you to earn without constant effort.

Deploy Evergreen Funnels

Set up perpetual marketing systems that keep generating interest and sales even when you’re not actively promoting.

How I Can Help

As a mentor to yoga teachers navigating the online landscape, I specialise in:

  • Refining suite of offers
  • Establishing seamless connections between different offerings
  • Guiding the flow of students from one offer to another

Special Offer until January 15th

Join my 1:1 business coaching program and secure a complimentary spot in The Visionary 2-week mini-mind starting January 15th. This exclusive offer aims to kickstart your journey to mastering multiple offerings seamlessly.

Interested in learning more about my 1:1 program? Reach out to me on Instagram via DM or apply directly on my website.

You can also listen to the podcast episode where I go into more depth about each strategy here

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How To Create The Perfect Plan To Launch Your Online Yoga Course?

When is the right time to launch a new yoga offer or service online?

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


As a business and marketing strategist for yoga teachers, I help you take your in-person yoga career to the next level by building out a profitable online yoga business.

How can you trust I’ll be able to help you build a thriving business teaching yoga beyond solely in-person classes? Because I’ve done it myself! 

With dozens of online courses, hundreds of successful students, and transformational online yoga masterminds reaching students all over the world, I’m an example of all the possibilities that are in reach for yoga teachers just like you.

My mission is to help you elevate your yoga career on every level. Because it’s not just about making a living as a yoga teacher—it’s about the long-term, life-changing results for you AND your students.

Ready to create the life of freedom and flow you dream of? 
This is only just the beginning…

Yoga Business Coach, Marketing Strategist & Yoga Teacher Trainer

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