Why Your Free Content Is Not Converting: 5 Key Mistakes to Avoid

August 8, 2023

Yoga Marketing

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


If you’re a yoga teacher, creating content to attract paying students can feel like a never-ending struggle. You pour your heart into crafting engaging posts, videos, and freebies, yet the conversion just doesn’t seem to happen. Trust me, I’ve been there.

I want to share with you the five reasons why your free content might not be converting and how to turn that around. Let’s dive in!

1. Too Much Education, Not Enough Inspiration

It’s natural to want to share your expertise, but sometimes we go overboard with educational content. The reality is, people don’t necessarily pay for information – they pay for transformation. Shift your content to inspire, motivate, and help your audience believe in their ability to achieve their yoga goals.

2. Using Language That Doesn’t Resonate with Your Audience

If you’re talking about root problems rather than symptoms, you may be missing the mark. For example, talking about improving posture might not be as engaging as addressing pain relief or relaxation. Speak to your audience in a way they can relate to, and paint a clear picture of what’s possible for them.

3. Ignoring the Importance of Personal Connection

People don’t just buy services; they invest in people they trust. Share your personal experiences, your struggles, and how you overcame them. By connecting on a personal level, you make it easier for potential students to trust you and see value in your services.

4. Lack of a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

A simple, compelling CTA can make a world of difference. Whether it’s signing up for a free trial class, downloading a yoga guide, or joining your mailing list, make sure your audience knows exactly what the next step is.

5. Failing to Address Their Beliefs

This one is crucial. If your audience doesn’t believe that what you’re offering is possible for them, they won’t invest. Share success stories, show real-world examples, and provide content that helps shift their beliefs. Make them realize that they too can achieve what you’re promising.


Turning followers into paying students doesn’t have to be a complex puzzle. By focusing on these five areas, you can create content that truly resonates, converts, and builds a community of loyal, paying students.

If you’re ready to elevate your yoga career and want personalized guidance, I’m here for you. Let’s work 1:1 to create a sustainable yoga business that thrives: https://yogacareerwithgwen.com/1-1-yoga-business-coaching

Remember, it’s not about reinventing the wheel but aligning your content with what your audience genuinely needs and wants. You’ve got this, and I’m here to support you every step of the way!

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How To Create The Perfect Plan To Launch Your Online Yoga Course?

When is the right time to launch a new yoga offer or service online?

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


As a business and marketing strategist for yoga teachers, I help you take your in-person yoga career to the next level by building out a profitable online yoga business.

How can you trust I’ll be able to help you build a thriving business teaching yoga beyond solely in-person classes? Because I’ve done it myself! 

With dozens of online courses, hundreds of successful students, and transformational online yoga masterminds reaching students all over the world, I’m an example of all the possibilities that are in reach for yoga teachers just like you.

My mission is to help you elevate your yoga career on every level. Because it’s not just about making a living as a yoga teacher—it’s about the long-term, life-changing results for you AND your students.

Ready to create the life of freedom and flow you dream of? 
This is only just the beginning…

Yoga Business Coach, Marketing Strategist & Yoga Teacher Trainer

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