How to Build Your Personal Brand as a Yoga Teacher – Yoga Marketing Tips

May 4, 2023

Yoga Marketing

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


If you’re a yoga teacher, you know that the competition is tough. There are more and more yoga teachers being certified every day, and as yoga becomes more mainstream, it’s more important than ever for yoga teachers to differentiate themselves. One way to do that is by building a personal brand that focuses on your unique selling proposition.

But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of building a personal brand as a yoga teacher, let’s clear up some misconceptions. First, building a personal brand has nothing to do with having a logo. In fact, I do not recommend yoga teachers to use a logo. Having a strong personal brand can help you stand out and attract students who resonate with your message and teaching style.

So, how do you build a personal brand as a yoga teacher? Let’s dive in.

Identify your niche.

As a yoga teacher, it’s essential to identify your niche. What sets you apart from other yoga teachers? Maybe you specialize in teaching prenatal yoga, or you have a background in dance that informs your teaching style. Whatever it is, lean into it and make it a key part of your brand. If you’re still telling yourself that you’re teaching everyone and can’t have a personal brand, it’s time to rethink. The truth is, having a niche can help you stand out in a crowded market and attract the right students who resonate with your teaching style.

Think about your values.

Your values are an essential part of your personal brand. What do you stand for? What’s important to you? Your values should be reflected in your brand messaging and the content you create. For example, if you value inclusivity, make sure your classes and marketing materials are welcoming to people of all backgrounds and abilities. If you value happiness and freedom, make sure that this becomes part of your brand too. Take time to identify your core values and let them guide your branding decisions.

Define your branding elements.

Your branding elements are the visual and verbal components that make up your brand. Your logo, colors, and website design should all be cohesive and reflect your brand values and niche. Your brand messaging should also be consistent across all channels, from your website and social media profiles to your class descriptions and email newsletters. Choose the social media platforms where your target audience is most active and create content that showcases your expertise and personality.

Utilize social media.

Social media can be an excellent tool for marketing your personal brand as a yoga teacher. By posting regular content that showcases your expertise, personality, and values, you can attract and engage with potential students. Remember to stay consistent with your branding elements and messaging across all your social media platforms.

Differentiate yourself.

Differentiating yourself from other yoga teachers is key to building a strong personal brand. As mentioned before, having a niche and values can help you stand out. Additionally, you can differentiate yourself by offering unique classes or services that are not commonly offered in your area. For example, if you specialize in teaching yoga for runners, consider offering a workshop or retreat focused specifically on that niche.

Be consistent.

Building a personal brand takes time and effort. Consistency is key, so make sure you’re regularly creating and sharing content that aligns with your brand values and messaging. Remember that building a personal brand is a process, and it takes time to become the go-to expert or make a significant income. Be patient and stay true to yourself and your unique offerings as a yoga teacher.

Evolve your brand over time. Y

Your brand is not set in stone. It will evolve as you grow and learn as a yoga teacher. So don’t be afraid to explore using different colors, fonts, and taglines for your business. Keep moving forward, but stay true to your core values and what makes you unique.


Building a personal brand as a yoga teacher is an essential step to stand out in a crowded market. By identifying your niche, defining your values, and creating consistent branding elements, you can differentiate yourself from other yoga teachers and attract students who resonate with your message and teaching style. Utilizing social media and other marketing strategies can also help you expand your reach and grow your business.

Remember, building a personal brand is a process that takes time and effort, but it’s worth it to establish yourself as a go-to expert in your niche. And as you evolve as a yoga teacher, don’t be afraid to make changes to your brand to reflect your growth and unique selling proposition.

If you want personalized coaching and support to help you grow your yoga business and develop your personal brand, consider checking out my Elevate program at Together, we can work to build your brand and take your yoga business to the next level.

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Training, mentoring and coaching yoga teachers since 2016, from a tiny island called Nusa Lembongan, located next to Bali  (Indonesia). I love teaching yoga, go freediving and spending time with my doggies, hubby and 4 years old boy.


As a business and marketing strategist for yoga teachers, I help you take your in-person yoga career to the next level by building out a profitable online yoga business.

How can you trust I’ll be able to help you build a thriving business teaching yoga beyond solely in-person classes? Because I’ve done it myself! 

With dozens of online courses, hundreds of successful students, and transformational online yoga masterminds reaching students all over the world, I’m an example of all the possibilities that are in reach for yoga teachers just like you.

My mission is to help you elevate your yoga career on every level. Because it’s not just about making a living as a yoga teacher—it’s about the long-term, life-changing results for you AND your students.

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Yoga Business Coach, Marketing Strategist & Yoga Teacher Trainer

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