Calling all yoga teachers who want to stop trading time for money and add an online yoga offering to increase their income and impact!

i am ready

Suppose you feel that this is you because you are teaching lots of classes. If you want to scale and make more income but want to avoid having to teach more classes or have reached this limit, you are reading this page at the perfect moment.
Did you know that none of the yoga teachers with a long and profitable career only teach group yoga classes? This is because the traditional model of a yoga teaching career with a yoga teacher only being paid when going to the studio is not sustainable. They all then create additional offerings to increase their income.

Because I was already teaching up to 5 classes a day, I couldn't teach more. I tried to attract more students, but I also realized there was a limit to the number of people that could join my classes.

In 2016, I realized I would not be able to teach only yoga classes as a yoga teacher and expect to save money, go on holidays, or even pay all my bills... 

And that's what I did too. When I started to add online yoga offerings, my yoga career completely changed because I did not need to teach 20+ classes a week anymore. My income grew 10x and I was sharing my passion and knowledge from my home to hundreds of new students.


And you know that to transform people's lives and fully experience yoga, you have to offer something other than drop-in classes!

You want to create offers that your students will want and sell them easily without being 24/7 on social media or available in person!

You realized that following lots of small programs, following trends or what worked for other teachers does not work for you.

You are ready to follow a proven step-by-step method to create your own suite of offers!

"Thanks to Gwen. Only 1 week after launching my online program it was already sold out!" 

- Julie M.

Transforming people's lives and making a living from teaching yoga shouldn't be a struggle

It should be exciting!

Of course, you may still think that you're not "legit", or perhaps you don't know where to start.

You could even think of taking another yoga training and spend your time scrolling through Instagram, wondering how others have found that magical strategy. 

However, it's important to understand that earning money by doing what you love and living a fulfilling life is not limited to others. If you want to have a long yoga career that makes you the income you desire and gives you the freedom-based lifestyle you dreamt of, you are at the right place.

You have online offers that really impact your students while allowing you to only teach a few classes a week and have time for your self-practice.

You have a sales system generating income every month without being tied up to how many people show up to your yoga classes.

You know exactly what to do to attract new students with your content and spend less than 1 hour per day on social media.

You have confidence in yourself and your business and every single day you get new inquiries from people wanting to join your offers.

You develop a suite of offers that satisfy your multi-passionate personality and retains your students, so you only need a few students to reach your income goal.

You have a step-by-step, repeatable and customizable plan so you no longer get distracted and can successfully launch your yoga offers online to make over 50k per year.

Take a second to imagine what adding an online yoga offer could mean for you.

A 6-month group coaching program for yoga teachers who want to expand their teaching online to support their lifestyle, increase their income and impact.

Elevate Program


Say bye-bye to offers that don't sell, wasting time creating useless content, and pushy sales methods.

This is a no-fluff, right to the point program.

With short and effective learning videos, worksheets to support you to take action, technical tutorials to avoid any panic and templates to help you get there faster!

You also get access to 2 group calls per month (with replays) to help you create your offers and launch them, on-demand workshops, and a private community.

Elevate Program is the roadmap you are looking for to develop your online yoga business step by step, with confidence and support!


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"Signing up to Elevate with Gwen was THE best thing I could have done for myself and my business 6 month ago.

I had no clue where to start (...) and 7 month later I am not lost with content, I have a mailing list, I have an offer that is selling. Looking back on who I was 6 months ago, I can't believe it.

It's working!

- Magdalena @the.sensitive.yogi
Yoga Teacher for Sensitive People

I want this!

With Elevate Program, you will:

It is time for you to build your online presence. In Elevate you will refine your messaging, develop your brand and learn how to grow your community on social media but also outside social media by building your email list.

Grow your community

Create your irresistible offers

Learn how to create offers that your audience wants to buy. In this section of the course, you will create 3 types of offers between $27 and $1997. I will show you exactly how to structure it, build it and create it from A to Z without overwhelm.

Sell and launch with ease

Gain confidence and learn how to sell your offers without being salesy. You won't need to send DM to people or write 100 emails. You will access our own sold-out proven method to launch your 3 offers to your small community and generate income fast.

Let's do this!

What's waiting for you inside

To discover your niche, learn how to conduct your market research, create sold out offers, and access our detailed launch plan and so much more!

The 6 modules, with over 60 video training, are our proven step-by-step method to create, market and sell your offers and services online!

Lifetime Access to Our 6 Modules

You are done trying to do it all by yourself. It is time to get an expert who has built a successful yoga business online and in person tell you exactly what works and what does not.

We have 2 calls per month for you to ask all your questions, feel supported on this journey and  avoid any overwhelm.

6-Month of
Coaching Calls

You will get access to our very own private community of yoga teachers. 

In this safe space, you will find your accountability buddy and support from other teachers going through the same steps as you. We are together through the ups and downs.

Private Community
Of Yoga Teachers

I started Elevate with no community, no online presence, no idea how to create and sell a program and now I have a suite of offers online that actually sell and everything within six month!

- Justine @justinecardona_
Yoga Teacher , Human Design & Coaching

I want this!

This module includes trainings on:

  • Define your core values, vision and your business model.
  • Map your student's transformation (also called your niche).
  • Identify the right suite of offers to create.
  • Set your goals and optimize your schedule for productivity.

Refine your expertise and set up your biz foundations

Module 1

This module includes trainings on:

  • Create your unique visual brand identity, with our templates.
  • Create engaging content using the Lotus Method and establish an effective content strategy.
  • Set up your email list, and create a magnetic free resource.
  • Access resources like our six-month content plans and visibility starter packs to start building your community without stress.

Craft Your Brand & Build Your Community

Module 2

This module includes trainings on:

  • Create your first offer (or optimize those you already have).
  • Learn how to create, structure and price a mini-offer + a mid-offer + a transformational program, also called an anchor offer.
  • Discover how to choose what to sell first depending on your unique business and goals.
  • We will teach you where to host your programs and offerings, and compare several solutions for you.
  • We will also cover the tech aspect of recording and creating the content of your offer.

Create Irresistible Offers On Repeat

Module 3

This module includes trainings on:

  • Understand the distinct approaches needed for launching different types of offers.
  • Follow structured 7-day and 30-day launch plans, with the provided resources and templates.
  • Access Done-For-You Sales + Marketing Templates to sell your mini and mid offers.
  • Learn to leverage Instagram and Facebook Groups during your launch.

Sell with Ease : Master the Art of Launching A Mini Offer or Mid Offer

Module 4

This module includes trainings on:

  • Map your 10-week launch plan, with our templates and content plans.
  • Discover what to do to guarantee community growth and engagement during your launch, and increase your sales.
  • Learn heart centered sales techniques including DM scripts, DFY masterclass slides, challenge breakdown, organization, and so much more.
  • Sales page training & templates.

Sell with Ease : Master the Art of Launching A Transformational Program (aka Anchor Offer)

Module 5

This module includes trainings on:

  • Analyze your past launch to map your new strategy
  • Strategically expand pricing and develop a yearly calendar of events and launches to reach your income goal.
  • Learn how to sell all year round with ease and without Live events.
  • Understand the secrets to generating consistent income through email automation.

Maximize Your Results, Scale Your Offers & Create Passive Income

Module 6

"As a new yoga teacher, I was so overwhelmed. But Gwen helped me to break everything down into smaller manageable pieces to help me stay successful.

I found my niche, and with a better focus on my goals, was able to reach them without floundering. Finding the students that align with what I do was a wonderful experience."

- Rachael Mead Bielecki
Yoga & Meditation Teacher


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As a business and marketing strategist for yoga teachers, I help you take your in-person yoga career to the next level by building out a profitable online yoga business.

How can you trust I’ll be able to help you build a thriving business teaching yoga beyond solely in-person classes? Because I’ve done it myself! 

With over 700 students in my online yoga school, and transformational online yoga trainings reaching students all over the world, I’m an example of all the possibilities that are in reach for yoga teachers just like you.

I have been mentoring and coaching yoga teachers like you since 8+ years and I am so passionate about showing you how you can live from your passion of teaching yoga by adding online offers.

As a mama of a 5 years old boy and living on a tiny 7km2 island close to Bali (Indonesia) I believe that it is important to build a business that suit a balanced lifestyle.

Yoga Business Coach, Marketing Strategist & Yoga Teacher Trainer

Hi, I'm Gwen!

“I would recommend Gwen to all my fellow yoga teachers that don’t just want to teach 60-minute classes twice per day or more, and to those who want to give to their clients more of what yoga can offer.

Gwen gave me the right path to follow in order to succeed in my online business.” 

- Ionna Sarafi
Yoga & Self Care Instructor

"The type of yoga I teach is VERY niche (Buddhi Yoga - think twerking in yoga poses) and I was not sure that Gwen would understand it or be able to help me. I can only say if you are considering working with Gwen, do not wait - do it NOW!
Yes, the program is amazing. The content is professional, well-organized, and full of information. But more than that, it was the soft skills that I learned during the program that I will take with me. I generally consider myself a focused, hard-working, and self-starting person, but having Gwen really helped me focus and professionalize my perspective with regards to my business, and helped me to both take my business and present my business in a professional manner."

- Felicia Lubertazzi
Buddhi Yoga Teacher & Teacher Trainer

“If you’re anything like me and want to get your yoga business set up online yesterday, not in six months, Gwen takes you step by step.

I took her advice, and my program was set up and launched in less than two months and was so successful—I had 30 people enroll. 

This has helped me grow my business and I can do what I love, which is helping people.”

Jackie Suginada
Kundalini Yoga teacher

“Gwen’s program is amazing. As a matter of fact, I did Elevate program and I continue to work with her because she helped me focus my niche, get over my resistances, and break down really impossible tasks into easily digestible bits. 

I’m doing things now that I never thought I would be able to do such as social media and being organized, and I’m seeing results.

For the first time, I’m feeling so successful. I have a lot of hope for the future based on my work with Gwen.”

- Jen Kagan
Iyengar Yoga Teacher

“You can definitely trust Gwen. I used to hate social media and finally, I really love it. I grew a community for my ideal students for my niche, and in less than 3 months, I had more than 1,000 members.

I cannot imagine how I could do this so quickly without Gwen. Now I’m loving marketing that I used to hate so much.”

- Pauline Blaquiere
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher

Elevate is for you if:

You don't want to offer more drop-in yoga classes.

You want a step-by-step framework to follow and have support.

You want a business that gives you freedom and can run without you.

You want to retain your students and continuously make sales without having to do more.

You are ready to work a few hours a week to grow your yoga business.

You desire to have online yoga offers to make over 50k per year teaching yoga.

You are your best investment.

Get All Your Questions Answered

When does the course start?

As soon as you sign up! Immediately upon enrollment, you will receive an email with your access to the 6 modules and the link to join our community and next call.

How long do i have access to the course?

You will have access to the Elevate course for the duration of its existence, with no current plans for it to expire. In the event of any changes in this regard, you will be provided with a six-month notice beforehand! The course includes six modules with over 60 trainings, templates, worksheet and all you need to create and sell your yoga offerings online.

When are the calls?

We have calls every other week. Currently, calls are on Friday at 8 am and 3 pm Bali time (GMT+8). 

What happens if I cannot join the LIVE call?

We understand that not everyone can make it to each call due to various schedule constraints. If you're unable to attend, rest assured that you can ask your questions beforehand and that they will be answered during the call. All sessions are recorded and will be made available for you to review at your convenience. We also provide written summaries highlighting the key topics covered in each call, so you can easily navigate to sections that are most relevant to you. This flexible structure ensures that you always stay updated and engaged with the course material, no matter your schedule.

Is this course only for yoga teachers?

Yes, this course is specifically designed with yoga teachers in mind. However we did have fitness instructor join in the past and be very successful too. We focus on helping yoga professionals create offers that truly stand out in the industry, making this program an ideal fit for those engaged in teaching yoga.

How much time do i need to commit?

To get the most out of this program, we recommend setting aside 5 hours per week. This allows adequate time for learning, applying the knowledge, participating in the calls, and engaging with the support group. However, your commitment may vary based on your personal pace and learning style. 

— Jaquie

"I’ve had 23 sign-ups for my course and only started the program 2 months ago!“

What will your week look like in 6 months from now?

Will you be...

Sitting in the same spot, letting more time slip away as you stare at your finances, dreaming to have more time for yourself and savings to go on holidays...

Or, will you have new students signing up every week to your offers thanking you for the impact you are making on their life while making consistent 5k/month?

That's up to you.


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“I’m currently offering 99% of my teaching online—only 1% is live.

Gwen’s a great person to align your passion with the lifestyle you want to lead without feeling depleted and overwhelmed.”

- Abigail Taugwalder